I am sure you have experienced the true power of digital in this Covid-19 crisis.

We can help you cover all major social channels for your brand marketing. Your company @handles will be consistent across all platforms.

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    Social Media Marketing

    The fastest way to develop word of mouth communication is to be present and active on social media. Stay ahead of the competition by taking advantage of the fastest growing marketing channel. Our team can provide a one-stop service for social media marketing to help your business grow.

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    It is a process of gaining attention using tools we are all using on an everyday basis - social media sites. There is no better way of becoming recognized than using your existing or establishing a new network of believers and admirers.

    By choosing wisely social media content, you are creating a user-to-user form of marketing and that is your true foundation. Plus - it is free and earned exclusively by quality. Start conversations and get your audience involved and build up a fan base who 'like' your hotel.
    Let us help you spread your message across the world for millions to see with social media.

    We develop and manage effective social media marketing programs that lift brand awareness, engage with communities in your industry, drive traffic, and leads to your hotel website. Not only do we set up or enhance your social media channels including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, we propel your organization down the right social media path with an effective strategy, planning, participation, and measurement.

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    • Digital Marketing Services

    • - Social media marketing strategy
    • - Implementation guidelines
    • - Social media audit
    • - Competitive analysis
    • - Social profile creation
    • - Widget strategy development
    • - Blog design, setup and/or optimization
    • - Blog strategy development
    • - Community building development
    • - Community monitoring

    DMMS 3

    Social Media

    DMMS 2

    Social Media

    DMMS 1

    Social Media

    Living Spaces 6

    Social Media

    Living Spaces 5

    Social Media

    Living Spaces 4

    Social Media

    Living Spaces 3

    Social Media

    Living Spaces 2

    Social Media

    Living Spaces 1

    Social Media


    Social Media


    Social Media


    Social Media

    A37 Marketing Process

    A social media content calendar is like the Marie Kondo Method of your entire social media strategy.It sounds like a big commitment at first, but you can rest assured it’ll pay that time back in the future. (Not to mention preventing minor panic attacks)

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    Develop an effective Digital Marketing Strategy


    Keeping eCommerce store 100% healthy


    Generate more traffic thru campaigns


    Measuring everything we do is the key

    It’s not easy to create a digital marketing strategy

    Digital marketing is online marketing for websites. Simple, right? Turns out, there are at least seven main ways to market a website online. And that's where digital marketing strategy comes into play.

    These are the big guys -- like search engine optimization (SEO), digital advertising, social media marketing, the list goes on. And each category represents a specialty of its own along with a unique set of skills and best practices. In other words, what happens in SEO is very different than what happens in digital advertising.

    For this reason, it’s not easy to create a digital marketing strategy.

    Since every website is different, it’s important to take a custom approach to creating digital marketing strategies. From personas to the right tools, there are plenty of big and little things that can help or hinder your digital marketing strategy’s success. So you need to make sure your strategy works well, including our favorite tools and software.

    Contact Us
    Online marketing can be categorized in 6 main disciplines:
    - Content marketing
    - Pay-per-click (PPC)
    - Email marketing
    - Native advertising
    - Social media marketing
    - Search optimization (SEO)

    Follow us for news, updates and competitions

    Launching an attractive and scalable website quickly and affordably is important for modern startups — Stack delivers.

    Follow @tommusrhodus

    E: hello@a37.in
    P: +91-7838266888
    W: +91-7838266888

    Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.

    We are open from 9 am — 5 pm on weekdays.

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